lunes, 28 de octubre de 2019



3 Ideas about Dr.Joseph’s talk:
  • Get away from the people that will tear you down, anyone who will be trying to get you on a low level and prevent you from living and achieving your dreams.
  • Praise others and yourself ONLY when they do good, so you do you harm their or your self-confidence.
  • If you believe it, you can do it, so convince yourself that you’re capable of anything. Never give up.

Find Another Video And Address Ideas As
Well As Connecting Them With Dr. Joseph’s Talk:

  • Instead of keeping in mind what you do wrong, focus on what you do good and improve it.
  • Find inspiration and a new hobby.
  • Help someone.
  • Learn to celebrate yourself.


Being able to help others, improve yourself by praising your achievements and stay away from people that won't help you, soon, they will learn by themselves.

My Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence is all about just believing in yourself so you can follow yours dreams. I personally have a nice self-confidence. I’ve never really cared about people’s opinion on what I do but more on how I look but lately I don’t care about that either. No one has stopped me from doing what makes me happy and doing whatever I want (in the good sense).

I don’t listen to negative opinions and if I do, I only take them as a complement because whatever I said or did caught someone’s attention and made them jealous enough to try and contradict me just to feel better with themselves I’ve written my music myself, wrote my newbie books myself, learned how to sing by myself and learned how to draw by myself as well. Since no one really cares about my things, why should I care about what they have to say? I had to learn what I like the most myself so I wouldn't have to owe no one nothing and take no one’s comments, this way no one would tear me down. So yeah, I'm pretty good at self-confidence, it's quite clear to me. 

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019

My Interests

So in case you want to know more about me, continue reading. 

I mostly enjoy playing piano, almost all the time. I learn songs by myself, either by listening or by YouTube tutorials. My favorite genres are Jazz, Soul R&B and Pop. I started playing piano when I was 6 or 7 and began to write and compose my own songs at the age of 14. So far I’ve wrote three songs and I’ve also been producing one of them with some classmates. Hopefully we can release it one day.Aside from music, I also enjoy drawing, mostly portraits. I started learning with YouTube too some four years ago but stopped doing it for a while, but then I tried it again and even though its not quite great, its decent enough.

Since I can remember I've been also writing stories. I don't read much books too often but, from the beginning, I liked creating different universes in my head. I needed to talk about them somehow, and luckily, an old friend of mine told me about this app where you write stories for everyone to read. This has given many writers the opportunity to sell their books or become great role models for others. Many teenagers and adults use the app and you can find all types of independently-written novels. Horror to love, there's a lot you can choose from.

Buddha is my crush <3

Acting has always been something I admire and when I was in third or second grade (In a different school) I starred a play called "Kirikou" as the main character, Kirikou. All my friends and I loved the experience of acting and using costumes, it was like a way to escape any childish problems I used to had. Sadly, I left school soon after than and came to the city I live in now and I don't have that kind of opportunity, but I still try and act by myself. My favorite Genre for plays is horror, especially when taken to the big screen. Hollywood actors have it all and the one I admire the most is Emma Roberts and the producer Ryan Murphy. They've created one of the biggest horror shows of all time, "American Horror Story" with help of Jessica Lang, Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Cody Fern and Billie Lourd.

I wish I could ever achieve one of these things. Become a great musician, maybe an artist or even an actor. Those aren't just my interests, those are my dreams.

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

Story Time, Everyone.

We were in class and my classmates annoyed during the whole lesson. My poor teacher was upset, blankly staring at nothing and beyond as everyone minded their own business, when suddenly, he had an epiphany.

We were wasting his time, but time is subjective since its created by men, yet we age because of it. How come we age from something that doesnt exist? He was now mad atus that he was wasting his time by getting older this way, but if time’s so relative, then nothing was happening and he was upset about us speaking, “waiting” to start his unstartable class cause time doesn’t exist.

The end

But It can’t be the end because it never started, i mean yeah thetext dis but you didn’t because there’s no time, therefore nothing is really happening as it does. You’re now taking the time to read something about time (which by the way doesn’t exist) when there’s actually none so now you’re wondering how am I wasting something that doesn’t exist and also aging(age) to it?

Well, I don’t know either, but I actually don’t care about it so you can have fun having an exsistential crisis while I do mind my own business, and remember, since there’s no time, you’re not waiting to accomplish your dreams, yet you’re wasting precious time before you start doing them, so how about you start now?

(My teacher made me do this...)

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2019


Rodrigo Fernández

My name is Rodrigo Fernández and I’m  currently 15 years old. 
I was born in Cali — Colombia but lived in Bogotá for 7 years before I went to Manizales 
where I’ve stayed for 5 years now. 

I like music a lot and I’d like to be a musician in a few years. I learned how to play the piano
and how to sing by myself but I don't really do it in front of others, but still, I really like doing 
it. My favorite music genres are pop and blues, but anyways; It has always been easy for me
to get along with instruments and music and I’ve been trying for some years now to write 
songs but in order to do it correctly I’ve also been trying to read and write so that I can learn
new vocabulary and ways of writing as well as rhyming. 

I believe the music industry is unfair. It is because, there is a lot of people with better singing 
voices or music production than anyone else, yet they’re not noticed by music companies 
like interscope records which is one of the most recognized as well as warner music. 
These people can show their talents online, maybe through YouTube or blogs, and they 
might also win money and get a lot of fans but just that.

 Music companies will barely care to even contact you no matter how good you are, you have
to be constantly keeping up with their schedules, sending demos and original music which
they will probably won’t even take the time to listen to or even judge. Yeah, sometimes it can 
be a manager’s fault or a reviewer’s fault, whoever receives those daily emails with 
people’s original creations for deleting them or placing them as spam, but other times 
is just not fair that a company takes a normal singer and give them almost free production 
and creative rights to their mediocre works when you’re doing your best, sometimes all by
yourself to work for those companies. Almost every musician’s dream is to have recognized 
work, not just stay in the shadows with your talent.